It was premiered on March 3rd 1875 and Bizet was sure that it was a failure. Benjamin Millepied’s Carmen is a gritty modern day tale, with a majestic score by Nicholas Britell, and dream-like dance sequences that evoke magic realism.

Georges showed great skill from a very young age and was consequently accepted at Paris Conservatoire at the age of nine. The musical affinity ran in the family with both his parents associated with art. The premiere of his final and most successful work, Carmen, was delayed because Bizet worried that the themes of betrayal and murder would be too controversial for the opera house stage and would offend audiences. Carmens Composer, Georges Bizet Born in 1838 in Paris, as Alexandre Cesar Leopold and then baptized as Georges Bizet.

An orchestral suite taken from some instrumental music for Daudet’s play L’Arlésienne was immediately very popular. He served in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 in the National Guard and upon his return to Paris, had some limited success with a one-act opera called Djamileh. Probably, every opera house in the world has, at one time or another. He actually wasn’t at all that famous as a composer, not even after his death. He is best known for writing the traditional orchestral recitatives used for Bizets opera Carmen and for Offenbachs opera Les contes dHoffmann ( The Tales of Hoffmann ). Carmen was the last of Bizet’s Operas, and the last work he completed Even though it was repeated 44 times after the premier, until June, Bizet was convinced it was a flop. After his time in Rome, he returned to Paris finding that most of the Parisian opera houses and theatres were giving overwhelming preference to classical works, rather than new works and as such, his career briefly stalled and he spent much of his time arranging and transcribing for others whilst his own works were ignored. French composer Georges Bizet (1838-1875) is most famous for his opera Carmen. Ernest Guiraud ( French: gio 23 June 1837 ) 1 was an American-born French composer and music teacher. He was an outstanding pianist, although he very rarely performed in public, preferring instead to focus upon his composition. He studied at the Paris Conservatory and saw substantial success in his time there winning myriad prizes including the coveted Prix de Rome in 1857. He was a French romantic composer, writing some notable operas in his time before his career was cut short by his relatively early death. What entails the ‘Music Library Project’ The first was the highly animated Spanish dance number called The Aragonaise from Suite No 1. Georges Bizet was born in Paris on October 25th 1838. The Danse Boheme is the second piece from the 1875 Opera Carmen to appear here at the Music Library Project.